Saturday, October 29, 2011

For This Tuesday...

I've gotten a couple of texts already (thanks Cole and Alicia!), let me know how things are shaping up for this week's presentations... A reminder (scroll down for reminders about week after next):

Tuesday, November 1 (Submit to colleagues by Saturday, October 29th)

4.15-4.40 Alicia

4.40-5.05 Rebecca

5.05-5.35 Cole

5.35-6.00 Hadass?

6.00-6.25 Bella?


And Happy Hallowe'en!

Sunday, October 23, 2011

If You Haven't Signed Up Yet --

You've got six days to write something 18pp. or so to get your docs to your colleagues in good time -- Any of you should be able to do that, ANY OF YOU! You should still sign up for your slots. Everybody should be writing. Get at it. Remember I'll be around at Chestnut, so come on by.

Reminder -- Sign Up for Presentations, First Come First Served

The sign-up sheet has been revised to reflect our decision to have a writing week and open office hour at Chestnut this week. Please scroll down the blog and sign up in comments under the sign-up sheet -- don't choose the last possible slot out of habit, only do so if you really feel you cannot present week after next. Remember, those presenting first need to get their excerpts to your colleagues by Saturday! I hope you have all been busy writing in preparation!

UPDATE -- Somebody shock me -- choose week one before every single second week slot is first taken!

UPDATE UPDATE -- Too late!

Reminder -- Writing Week

This week is a writing week -- we're not meeting. I'll be at Chestnut from noon to about four (I'm at Nadia's review for an hour of that, but otherwise will probably be in the courtyard) for those of you who want to talk to me about what you are working on or other issues that are afoot. Please, come seek me out!

Friday, October 21, 2011

Hi Dale!
I was trying to send you my review portfolio but this attempt failed (email was returned). Could you please send me an email so I could forward the materials with the reply? I want to make sure you get those on time. Thank you and sorry everyone to post it here - don't know how else to reach Dale.

Monday, October 17, 2011

A Couple of Things

So, is it my imagination, or is it really true that I have received just one of the four pieces we are workshopping tomorrow?

The sign-up sheet for the next, longer excerpts has been posted. I may consider giving you a writing week between now and the next workshops, which would mean nudging each of those workshop days up a week -- but I'm not doing it unless you tell me you need for me to do it and unless you actually convince me you'll use the extra time to actually write something and get it out in a timely way. Feedback welcome.

Those of you presenting tomorrow, get the excerpts to me asap. Please remember I teach in the morning and have no access to the intrawebs all the livelong day Tuesday.

Sign Up Sheet for 12-18pp. Excerpt Presentations and Workshopping

Tuesday, November 1 (Submit to colleagues by Saturday, October 29th)

4.15-4.40 Alicia

4.40-5.05 Rebecca

5.05-5.35 Cole

5.35-6.00 Hadass?

6.00-6.25 Bella?


Tuesday, November 8 (Submit to colleagues by the 5th)

4.15-4.40 Sheeka

4.40-5.05 Emily

5.05-5.35 Candace

5.35-6.00 Nadia

6.00-6.25 Zoe

6.25-6.50 Orlando

Saturday, October 15, 2011

The Weekend Is Upon Us -- How's the Writing Coming?

Remember -- we want to avoid a repetition of last week's late entries. Excerpts should be arriving in your colleagues' mailboxes any time now so we can read the last four pieces for workshopping. I'm going to put up a sign-up sheet very soon for the second round of workshopping so nobody should be resting on their laurels -- you should be fleshing out your first pieces into longer ones, or striking out into new territory if you prefer. But everybody should be writing! Hope your weekends are going swimmingly. d

Monday, October 10, 2011

Where's the Writing?

It's Monday and I haven't received everybody's writing yet for workshop. You have to give your colleagues time to read the pieces you would workshop, and this means that they should arrive during the weekend before our discussion at the latest. Do go ahead and get the work in for tomorrow as soon as possible! I am also preparing for my lecture tomorrow morning, and I am away from my computer all day from about 7.30am tomorrow through to well past the end of our workshop (I possess no laptop, cellphone, handheld multimedia devices of any kind, so when I'm away from the cyberspatial sprawl I am well and truly away from it), so I cannot provide comments for work I do not receive asap. See you soon, d

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Thanks Everyone

I just wanted to write and say thank you for all of your feedback and support yesterday. I wish all of you the best with your reviews and writing. Take care. Cole

Monday, October 3, 2011

Tomorrow's Meeting --

Even though nobody signed up for the first scheduled slot, do be sure to arrive on time for the beginning of workshop anyway. We can use the first minutes together to talk through Reviews now that some of you have been through them already and others are on the verge. Tips, tirades, talking cure -- whatever it takes! See you all tomorrow back on third street, d