Saturday, April 30, 2011

The Hall is Reserved for Next Tuesday

Thursday's class is canceled, and in its stead we'll be rehearsing presentations on Tuesday in the actual space where the Symposium will be held. The space is reserved from 10am to 4pm. I realize that some of you have commitments that make it impossible to be present the entire time, but I do expect everybody to stay as long as possible, to support your colleagues and get a better feel for the way a long-form event really feels. Ideally, you would be presenting in roughly the same order with the same folks you will in the Symposium itself, but only one of two cohorts have reserved the space and in any case some of you have scheduling conflicts you are working with. Still, as you sign up keep in mind your locations in the Symposium program and if you can manage it, try to present next to folks who will share your panel, to get a sense of the dynamic and anticipate questions that might arise from it. If conflicts arise, please start reconciling them right here in this blog-space over the weekend. We'll be working through media issues with Kent in the space, so have all your materials ready to work with, and in as close to the shape they'll be in for the Symposium itself as possible. See you all soon.

10.00-10.30 settling in, initial A/V consultations
10.30-11.00 Allison
11.00-11.30 Kim
11.30-12.00 Bokyung
12.00-12.30 Claudia
12.30-1.00 Melina
1.00-1.30 Lunch Break -- half an hour, strictly enforced
1.30-2.00 Marly
2.00-2.30 Emily
2.30-3.00 >>> Frida? <<<
3.00-3.30 Meredith
3.30-4.00 Charlotte

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Next Week Rehearsal in the Lecture Hall

So, the word is that the auditorium where the Symposium will be held is available -- as of now -- next Monday (the 2nd) or Tuesday (the 3rd), but only before 4pm each day. The rest of the week is busy and there are only little one and two hour pockets of time available, which wouldn't be enough time for all of you to present in conditions that reasonably approximate the symposium itself. I'm going to confirm the booking of the hall with Kent Long after we meet, but I wanted you to think about and weigh in on the two choices. I'm thinking we'll need five continuous hours, roughly, and even if neither of these times are ideal, perhaps we can find a way to scrunch everybody in? Comments here are welcome, and we'll talk about it tomorrow as well.

This is Sasha's note to Kent about getting everybody's presentation materials in the same place to help the event proceed more smoothly:

"Kent, the spiel is that everyone should put their materials on some kind of portable media to be loaded onto a master laptop for the presentation date. In the past, students have generally decided to alter their files after the rehearsal, so final versions can be loaded the morning of (the 9th or 10th) and staff will be here to accommodate that."

Sasha also said she'll try to be around to help should we need her, but that Kent is the go-to person this year for most of this stuff.

Hope that's clarifying. See you all soon.


Momentarily posted here something intended for another blog -- corrected, disregard.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Can Everybody Send Me Their Final Abstracts?

Krista is going to do a talk at the beginning of the Symposium making connections and observations about all the thesis projects, and has asked for everybody's latest abstracts to get a better sense of the whole scene. If everybody can just send those abstracts to me, I can put them all in some kind of order and send the whole thing on to her.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Thesis Titles Today

Be sure to contact Claire some time today if you have not yet done so, to let her know the very latest version of your thesis title for the symposium program we're sending to the printer any time now.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Advice for the Coming Weeks

If you have images that you expect to project during your talk, it's a good idea that have them up on your laptops so we can actually view them while you do your Presentations. There will be glitches, but it's good to do a few dry runs of this sort of thing. For the actual symposium we usually put everybody's presentations and images on the same laptop to minimize prep time confusions and so on. But for our first read-throughs things will be a bit more ramshackle.

Remember, nine pages of text is probably all you will have time to read, so cull and edit from your theses carefully. Please, read the nine pages you choose a couple of times the night before you present, to get the hang of things. TIME YOURSELF each time you read.

There are pieces of advice about posture, projection, reading, hand placement and so on that everybody will benefit from hearing, and which I will be repeating over and over again if past is prologue.